Deep time

Exhibitions Arts Cultures-Marche du Temps Profond

This is a walk told of 4,6 km, where each meter traveled is equivalent to a million years. This experience transforms time into space and invites participants to perceive the world differently.

By connecting to the extraordinary story of our planet Earth through their steps, Walkers become aware of the scale of the history of the earth and the evolution of the living, Human arriving only at the very end.

From the formation of the solar system to massive extinctions through the formation of the moon, oceans, atmosphere, The early evolution of unicellular life, Plates tectonics, Multicellular life and the arrival of our own species: humans - just in the last 20 centimeters - a deep time covers some of the most significant events in the history of the earth.

📍 Request us on Friday June 9 at 2:30 p.m. at the pushing tree. End scheduled at 5.15 p.m. After walking, We invite you to take advantage of the tree producer market, Taste a good beer brewed on site, orchard juice, Local winery wine, craft breads, vegetables, Plants and herbal teas.

Provide good shoes and water bottle.

In info on the Deep Time Walk here

No programming.
No contact.

Event details

  • Category

    Exhibitions Arts Cultures
  • Start date

    Friday 09 Jun 2023 Ă  00:00
  • End date

    Friday 09 Jun 2023 Ă  00:00
  • Address

    L'Arbre qui Pousse, 1 Chemin du Griffon, 1340 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
  • Company

    Schumacher Sprouts


Exhibitions Arts Cultures-Deep time