The Huisne, a story of water - Exhibition

The crossing of the river in Rémalard gave its name to the town: the "Ré" of Rémalard derives from the Gallic word Ritu indicating the millennial presence of a crossing point, a ford, at this location. The city has been built from this passage which will allow its human, economic and social development.

The festival was interested in 2022 in these relationships of men and women with their river through forges, mills of all kinds, tanners, sand shooters, etc. which punctuated its course. But also to fishing and its immemorial rights, swimming and more broadly in tourism that has long been built around these practices.

The naturalist aspect, the awakening to the preservation of aquatic environments and their biodiversity will be at the heart of the festival, thanks to the members of the AAPPMA Haute Vallée de l'Huisne. The fishing association practices heritage management, completely in line with the purpose of the Rémalire Festival. This edition will be an opportunity to highlight their work of restoration and knowledge of the environments.

Awareness of water resources will also be on the program with a very nice complementary exhibition of UNICEF which will also offer an animation on the subject.

Many activities will take place during the festival: conferences, guided tours, naturalistic walks, animations around fishing ...

Practical: Exposure outdoors between the greenway and the edges of the Huisne to Rémalard in pole, organized by the APOR/REMALIRE 2022.
No programming.
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Event details

  • Category

    Exhibitions Arts Cultures
  • Start date

    Friday 01 Jul 2022 à 00:00
  • End date

    Sunday 30 Apr 2023 à 23:59
  • Address

    61110 Rémalard en perche, France
  • Company

    OT CdC Coeur du Perche