signs and wonders

Gatherings-des Signes et des Prodiges

The Gospel tells the signs made by Jesus, son of David, The Messiah announced by the Scriptures. The birth, the life, The death and resurrection of Jesus are wonders that God alone can accomplish, As evidenced by the many wonders reported in the Old Testament.

The training cycle invites the reader of the Bible to familiarize himself with the signs and the wonders that make the prophet say: "Nothing is impossible for you" (Jr 32,17) And who make the psalmist exclaim: "You are the God who accomplished the wonder" (PS 76,15). So, The image of a God who abandons creation and abandons the course of history in his fatal race does not correspond to the biblical story. The Lord God accomplishes so many wonders! Even limiting itself to the books of Genesis and the Exodus, It is difficult to propose a selection giving a fair image of the profusion of wonders accomplished by the Most High in his love for the human race. Some are chosen, however, revealing how much the Lord God is committed to man, How much he acts in favor of those who place their confidence in him.

The meetings will take place from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. to promote the time of studying and learning the Bible reading methods. The presentations are more guided reading than spiritual meditation.

Calendar :
Wednesday September 20: the creation of heaven and earth (GN 1)
Wednesday October 18: The creation of man (GN 2)
Wednesday, November 22: The appearance of the oak of Mambré (GN 18)
Wednesday, December 13: the delivery of Isaac (GN 22)
Wednesday January 17: Jacob's fight (GN 32)
Wednesday, February 7: Revelation in Moses (ex 3)
Wednesday March 28: the wounds of Egypt (ex 7–12)
Wednesday May 15: crossing the Jonks Sea (ex 14–15)
Wednesday June 26: the ten words (ex 20)

Day 1
Day 29
Day 64
Day 85
Day 120
Day 141
Day 169
Day 239
Day 281
Wednesday 20 September 2023
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 18 October 2023
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 22 November 2023
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 13 December 2023
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 17 January 2024
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 07 February 2024
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 06 March 2024
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 15 May 2024
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
Wednesday 26 June 2024
des Signes et des Prodiges

Ouverture de : 15:30:00 à 17:00:00
No additional information.

Event details

  • Category

  • Start date

    Wednesday 20 Sep 2023 à 15:30
  • End date

    Wednesday 26 Jun 2024 à 17:00
  • Address

    Saint-Joseph de Mont-Rouge, 20 rue du Château d'Eau 34480 Puimisson, France
  • Company

    Saint-Joseph de Mont-Rouge


Gatherings-signs and wonders