Workshop - Choose the right partner in love. Revelations and strategies.

Gatherings-ATELIER - CHOISIR LE BON PARTENAIRE AMOUREUX. Révélations et Stratégies.

Have you chained ruptures and romantic disappointments? You don't know how to choose a new partner that suits you? Someone you are going to love and who will love you in return? A person who will support you and support you in your projects? Are you afraid of never finding the rare pearl? Are you tired of wasting your time?

This workshop is for you!

In one day you will learn to:

  • Make a sentimental assessment in order to understand your current situation and assess your preparation for a lasting relationship.
  • Release your past and get rid of old patterns that hinder your sentimental development.
  • Identify your real motivations to live as a couple and engage in a relationship for two.
  • Clarify your expectations and your needs to define precisely what you are looking for and how to get it.
  • Acquire the basics of a healthy relationship by understanding the essential elements for its development.
  • Quickly assess if a person suits you using your intuition, the art of questioning and relevant criteria.
  • Screw the traps and risky situations.
  • Make a coherent partner choice in harmony with your values, Your aspirations and your life projects.


Event details

  • Category

  • Start date

    Saturday 17 Jun 2023 à 00:00
  • End date

    Saturday 17 Jun 2023 à 00:00
  • Address

    Maud Houssa, Clos des campinaires, 11, 4900 Spa, Belgique
  • Company

    Maud Houssa. Sexologue & Thérapeute de couple


Gatherings-Workshop - Choose the right partner in love. Revelations and strategies.