Exhibition "Dare to let go, In the Rolls of the Rolls "by Virginie Barré

"Let my drawings float, that they settle on scarves, fabrics, papers, in the space. They tell fragments of stories, Sometimes they are like image stops, or scenes captured in the movies of films that I love, or even from filming photos, work notes of directors and directors, authors and authors, artists.
Because what matters, I understand it better now, is in the folds of the intimacy of the conditions of creation. All these harvests are the material of a film feature film project, "The ladies beach" that I have been working for three years. In the drawings you see, I sowed dance movements, Grows the songs of an upcoming musical. "Virginie Barré
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Event details

  • Category

    Exhibitions Arts Cultures
  • Start date

    Saturday 30 Sep 2023 à 00:00
  • End date

    Sunday 10 Dec 2023 à 23:59
  • Address

    Place Patricia Tranchand, Forum des Carmes, Polaris Centre d'Art, 13800 Istres, France
  • Company

    Office de Tourisme d'Istres