Anemometer and weather vane activity - Beta Makers

Beta makers

Activities to peck during the holidays offered by the beta pi

A day = a challenge

We all tinker together. We are experimenting, Then we picnic! We play, sure, We tinker again, We exchange around our achievements and we share the snack (offered by the beta pi)

Monday February 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Weather cycle

Anemometer and weather vane activity (6-10 years)

After understanding that the wind, It's moving air, We build the tools that allow you to measure the speed and its direction

Registration Mandatory online on, Activities section, Beta makers melle

A day: 25 €

2 days: 45 €

3 days: 60 €

+ € 10 annual subscription to the association

Picnic to be provided by you (possibility of reheating on site)

Information 06 74 28 98 50
No programming.
No additional information.

Event details

  • Category

  • Start date

    Monday 13 Feb 2023 à 09:30
  • End date

    Monday 13 Feb 2023 à 17:00
  • Address

    Rue du Tapis Vert, Salle du Tapis vert, 79500 Melle, France
  • Company

    OT Pays Mellois


Gatherings-Anemometer and weather vane activity - Beta Makers