Exhibition "The microsillons universe"

Exhibition "The Microsillons Universe", From the boards of the album Microsillons of the Bédeiste Martégal Yann Madé.
Yann Madé is a Martégal designer and comicianist. After a flashing at the Luminy School of Art- where he discovers that comics is not considered as an art-he is moving towards socio-cultural animation, sector which allows him to carry out comic book workshops with different audiences.
He participated in various training courses organized by the International City of BD and the image of Angoulême, Especially around the didactics applied to the material. It is this journey that makes him qualify himself as a "stripologist plastic artist".
He is the author of many comics including these last two:
Another drawing from the world and Colette Magny-les Petites Communistes published in Alifbata editions, May 2022 and Jarjille editions,June 2022.
Microsillon: (male name): The microsillon disc was the main support for commercial sound recording during the second half of the 20th century (...) The vinyl surface of each side is traveled by a spiral groove on which The start of the recording is outside and the end towards the center of the disc.
What makes us turn, we, guys ? A point of balance, Our navel, Our ideal playlists, rock, girls ? But what makes us move forward, we, guys ? The desire to leave a trace, an artwork, children, stories, Valid guys stories, Just guys ... the desire to draw, from box to box, beach in beach, From disc on disc ... or just the desire to dance? And too bad if you are rusty ...
No programming.
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Event details

  • Category

    Exhibitions Arts Cultures
  • Start date

    Friday 16 Sep 2022 à 10:00
  • End date

    Saturday 22 Oct 2022 à 18:30
  • Address

    Quai des Anglais, Médiathèque Louis Aragon, 13500 Martigues, France
  • Company

    Office de Tourisme de Martigues