The music of the painting

Exhibitions Arts Cultures-La Musique du Tableau

From the bottom of the & acirc; GES, the music and the painting have & eacute li & éacute; The life of men and music is undoubtedly one of the arts that has the most inspired & eacute; The painters, both figurative and the abstract.
the feeling of promiscuit; with their art and the volont & eacute; to translate motions, pleasures of life or even the features Inter & Acrave; music.
by confronting their work & agrave; other artistic forms, the crime; Lodie, shape, color, etc. The esth & acute; It is really & agrave; from the twentieth century, with abstraction, which permcotes; Between the various artistic practices accentuated and that the rhythm, an essential component of music, is suggested; In paintings.
With this new exhibition, the gallery wishes to measure the diversity & eacute; of ideas which can be suggested by the preference of music in pictorial works. Georges Braque, Gen Paul, Pablo Picasso or Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee and Frangisk Kupka, to name a few, they will group around this vibrant the matt. Will the gallery of the Raudi & Egrave; the ear that costs and agrave; It is contemplated to meet in a common motion?
Exhibition & agrave; cover & agrave; The gallery of the B & Eacute;

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Event details

  • Category

    Exhibitions Arts Cultures
  • Start date

    Thursday 08 Sep 2022 à 10:00
  • End date

    Friday 16 Dec 2022 à 18:00
  • Address

    Galerie de la Béraudière, Rue Jacques Jordaens 6, 1000, Bruxelles, Belgique


Exhibitions Arts Cultures-The music of the painting